Business Strategy Business Strategy

Business Strategy

What is the “DMC Strategy”
for achieving sustainable growth?

As of June, 2023

About DMC

DMC (direct marketing conglomerate) is an aggregation of several companies based on direct marketing, and it is an extremely rare entity in which a mail-order company and a company providing mail-order solutions coexist within the same group. Segments are also formed by companies with similar business models and value offerings, and it currently consists of five business segments. Through our businesses, the Group is accumulating achievements and know-how on a daily basis, strengthening the foundations for future business growth.

Direct Marketing Conglomerate(ダイレクトマーケティングコングロマリット) Direct Marketing Conglomerate(ダイレクトマーケティングコングロマリット)

Strengths of DMC

(1) Group formation to achieve synergies

The DMC has a mechanism to create synergies by closely linking each company and business through the knowledge and expertise they have accumulated over the years. Not only will each company grow and evolve, but its synergies will spread both within and outside the segment, enabling the creation of new value offerings while quickly responding to changes in the business environment, market environment, customer needs, etc.

Points to Create Synergies

●Direct marketing is the cornerstone of the company’s business.
●Sharing and utilizing diverse customer contact points, know-how from segment management, and logistics infrastructure and systems.
Direct Marketing Conglomerate(ダイレクトマーケティングコングロマリット) Direct Marketing Conglomerate(ダイレクトマーケティングコングロマリット)

(2) Business portfolio management to realize planned and continuous investment for growth

Since 2010, the Scroll Group has been pursuing portfolio management by business segment through a series of mergers and acquisitions to combine the Group’s stability and growth potential, and to prepare its business foundation for the future. With this business foundation, we will continue to invest in new areas of value creation and achieve sustainable growth without wavering in the face of various changes in the business environment.

※1 STEP Management : STEP stands for Small Teams Earn Profit. This is the method of managing profit and loss in the smallest unit of organization that forms our business.
※2 SMS Management : SMS stands for Scroll Mission Standard. This is a qualitative management method that links segments, each business unit, and unit to establish business missions, organizational functions, and operational standards.

Medium-term Management Plan
“Marketing Solution 2026”

For details, please refer to the financial results presentation.


Management Plan

Presentation Material for Financial Results
FY2023 (May 8, 2024)