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Conversion to Direct Marketing Solution Company

Our company motto is “Being a company trusted by society. Doing business cleanly, correctly and beautifully.”
Since its founding, we have provided products and services based on peace of mind and trust, and have contributed to the development of the industry as a pioneer of mail-order companies.

In recent years, under the ” Direct Marketing Conglomerate (DMC) Strategy”, we have steadily promoted various reforms and investments for the sustainable growth of the company, and established a strong and stable management and business foundation.

Currently, Japan to downgrade COVID-19 to ‘common infectious disease. However, the world is entering a period of great uncertainty. We will balanced management so that SCROLL Group can continue to grow sustainably and promote our business so that we can help enrich your life through mail-order sales.

We have formulated a medium-term management plan, “Direct Marketing Solution 2025,” which will start in FY2023.
The severe management environment awaits us, such as the declining birthrate and aging population, the shrinking consumer market due to the declining population in Japan, and intensifying competition.
However, in the expanding e-commerce and mail-order market, demand for solution businesses to support e-commerce and mail-order businesses has been increasing.
We define our value proposition as “Direct Marketing Solution,” and under the theme of “Conversion to Direct Marketing Solution Company,” we will work to promote growth strategies by optimizing our business portfolio and Promotion of effective Responsibility management.
We will also strive to realize both sustainable corporate growth and a sustainable society by strengthen our social and environmental contribution activities more than ever toward the 100th anniversary of the company’s founding.

President Tomohisa Tsurumi