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Stock / Shareholders Information

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Shareholder Return

Basic Policy on Shareholder Return

We promote ROE-oriented management, aiming to maximize direct profit returns and shareholder value over the medium to long term.
Our basic target for dividends is a consolidated dividend payout ratio of 40%, with a minimum dividend on equity (DOE) ratio of 4%.
Retained earnings will be returned to shareholders by investing in growth and stable profit distribution with the aim of maximizing corporate value, and by flexibly purchasing treasury stock and other means with respect to surplus funds reserved for the long term.

Dividend Forecast

Our basic policy is to pay dividends of surplus twice a year, an interim dividend and a year-end dividend.

Please refer the latest disclosure materials for the dividend forecast for the current fiscal year.

IR Library

Shareholder Benefit

Recipient Shareholders

Shareholders who are listed in the shareholder list and hold one unit (100 shares) or more as of March 31 each year.

Details of the Benefits

We offer the following shareholder benefits to show our gratitude to our shareholders for their continuing support, to enhance the investment appeal of our shares and to improve understanding of our business.

Shareholder benefit gift discount points (shipped in June each year)

Vouchers can be used for a discount when purchasing products from the SCROLL Group.

※ Instead of benefits, shareholders may choose a donation to the social contribution activity group,etc.

1) Normal shareholder benefit

Shareholder benefit gift discount points given based on the number of shares held

Number of shares held Amount of shareholder gift discount points
100 shares or
more but less
than 1,000 shares
For 1,000
1,000 shares or
more but less
than 10,000 shares
For 5,000
10,000 shares or more For 10,000

2) Long-term shareholder benefit

In addition to the above, we will give the following number of shareholder benefit gift discount points based on how long the shares have been held.

Number of shares held 1year of
continuous holding
2years of
continuous holding
More than 3years of
continuous holding
100 shares or
more but less than 1,000 shares
1,000 yen
1,500 yen
or more but less than 10,000 shares
1,000 yen
2,000 yen
3,000 yen
10,000 shares or more For
1,500 yen
3,000 yen
6,000 yen
  • The shareholders eligible for the continuous shareholding are those who have been recorded in the Company’s shareholder registry as of March 31 and September 30 of each year with the same shareholder number and have been recorded the following number of times in the registry.
     1 year of continuous holding: 3 or 4 times
     2 years of continuous holding: 5 or 6 times
     More than 3 years of continuous holding: 7 or more times

    * Transitional measures for shareholders who have continuously held shares since before September 30, 2022
    Until the implementation of the long-term shareholder benefit based on March 31, 2025, the consecutive record will read as follows times.
     1 year of continuous holding: 2 or 3 times
     2 years of continuous holding: 4 or 5 times
     More than 3 years of continuous holding: 6 or more times
  • 1. How to use: Shareholder benefits can be used on the shareholder benefits website.
  • 2. Effective date: Shareholder benefit gift discount points with a record date of March 31 will be valid until March 31 of the following year.

Information Regarding The Shareholder Benefit Website

In order to use the shareholder benefit website, you will need your shareholder number (login ID) and password written on the “Shareholder Benefit Guide”. (Japanese only)

Shareholder benefit site

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Stock Status

Stock Status

Total number of shares authorized (Common stock)110,000,000
Total number of shares issued (Common stock)35,098,550(as of March 31, 2024)
Number of shares per unit 100
Number of shareholders 49,697 (as of March 31, 2024)
Principal shareholders
(as of March 31, 2024)
Shareholder Number of shares
Holding ratio
(Exclusion: Treasury stock)
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account) 3,724 10.87%
Marubeni Corporation 2,841 8.30%
Scroll Customer’s
Stockholding Association
2,201 6.43%
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (trust account) 1,264 3.69%
The Shizuoka Bank, Ltd. 1,261 3.68%
Employee Shareholding Association
 745 2.18%
Nippon Life Insurance Company  543 1.59%
State Street Bank and Trust Company 505223  459 1.34%
Moririn Co., Ltd.  434 1.27%
YAGI & CO.,LTD.  270 0.79%
  • 1.The shareholding ratio is calculated by excluding the number of treasury stock.
  • 2.The shareholding ratio is rounded off to the third decimal place.

Shareholder memo

Fiscal year April 1 to the following March 31
Record date
Year-end dividend
March 31
Record date
Interim Dividend
September 30
Ordinary general meeting of
It will be held within 3 months from the end of the business year.
Administrator of shareholder
registry/Account management
institution for special accounts
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Contact address Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Stock Transfer Agency
1-1, Nikko-cho, Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan
Tel. 0120-232-711 (toll-free service from within Japan)
(Mailig address)
Post-office box 29, New Tokyo Post Office, 137-8081
Stock exchange registration Tokyo Stock Exchange, Prime Market
Method of public notices Information will be published electronically on our corporate website (
However, if electronic notification cannot be carried out due to an incident or unavoidable circumstances, information will be published in the Nikkei Shimbun (daily newspaper).
  • 1.Various procedures related to stock including change of address, request for purchasing of odd-lot shares will be, in principle, handled at the account management institution (securities company, etc.) with which you maintain the account. Please contact the securities company where the account was opened for these procedures. Note that these procedures are not offered by the administrator of the shareholder registry (Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation).
  • 2.Procedures related to the stock recorded in a special account are managed by Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation as the account management institution. Please inquire at the account management institution (Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation) for special accounts listed above. In addition, these procedures are also handled at all Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation branches in Japan.
  • 3.Non-received dividends will be paid through the main and branch offices of Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.

Shareholder Procedures

Please note that the point of contact for procedural matters concerning shares varies depending on the shareholding status of the shareholder.

  • ・ Request to purchase shares of less than one unit
  • ・ Notice of change of address
  • ・ Notice of change of name or surname
  • ・ Designation of dividend transfer destination (change of transfer destination)
  • ・ Inheritance, changing the registered seal and other procedures


Shareholders using “transfer accounts” of securities companies, etc.

Securities company with an account

Shareholders recorded in “Special Account”

Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation Stock Transfer Agency Department

Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking website

Inquiries regarding special accounts
TEL : 0120-232-711 (only from Japan)